Grateful Grows, You Know.

Posted: April 14, 2013 in Friends, Gratitude, Happiness, Life & Living It

I am not an emotional person. I maintain an even keel 99 & 44/100% of the time. By emotional, I mean typical weepy-girl-type emotes and all that. Every now & again, something cracks on through and makes me ugly-cry even if I’m happy, but still. I keep myself together just because weepy is not me.


Every spring, I feel like I’m 3 months pregnant or having a sorority house full of synced PMS. Why do I go nuts, you ask?


I bought a house 4 years ago in May. First time buyer, did it all by myself. You know, like adults do when they are supposed to be grown and all that. I was TERRIFIED. Buying a house is NOT like buying shampoo- if you hate it after a couple weeks having it, well, it sucks to be you for the next 30 years. A friend that I worked with years ago is a mortgage man- I called on him. In the scheme of things since the last time we talked, his wife had become a real estate agent, so it was the perfect dynamic duo to make this happen for me. I was extra proud of me for not throwing up on anyone during the whole process, especially at the closing table as I signed my life away.

It’s said a house isn’t home until you make it one. My house was a home before the ink even dried on the 1,684 pieces of paper it took for it to be deemed mine. I had SO MANY FRIENDS that were on board- they helped me move, paint, gave me things for my house, repaired/installed things, etc. I could detail for days because I remember everything like it just happened. All these people put their lives on hold to make a new life for me and my wee familia. A friend of mine that helped with a lot of things has since died. It gives me nice memories to see the things he did and remember when he was here helping out. Since then, I have called on several folks for things I’ve needed help with and BAM- they are right there. From a broken pipe, electrical fun, erosion fixes, etc. Just right here, when I needed them.

Springtime Emotionfest…..I LOVE to garden- mainly flowers, but this will be my second year with vegetables. Every year when I get out in my yard and start cleaning/prepping things, I am reminded again of how loved I am. So many friends have given me plants- new plants and cuttings from their plants that I have been able to grow. They come back bigger and better every year. I can literally walk around my house and point out who gave me what and WOW look at it now. They have grown to a point where I can now share them with others, too. I’ve also been given neat yard/house stuff that makes me smile daily. Things that people knew I would love, and they are so right.

My life is so FULL of people that love and care about me and my family. Like a garden, every year it grows and spreads. Spring is always my reminder of how grateful and lucky I am with the life I have and the people I have in it. I am so blessed that in my life garden, I have way more blooms than weeds, and every year, I sow a little more beauty into it.  I don’t have to stop and smell the roses- I roll around in them daily like a dog on a dead animal. Truth. I hope all of you have well tended gardens. If not, get to weeding and start growing your own happiness- you’re the only one that can tend that garden.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go wander about my yard, ugly-cry and point everything out to myself again. For the 78th time in the last 2 days.

See this? Growing in my yard. I didn't pick it- just gonna stay lucky and hope it keeps growing, too.

See this? Growing in my yard. I didn’t pick it- just gonna stay lucky and hope it keeps growing, too.


  1. Laura says:

    Life’s a garden. Dig it! – Joe Dirt

  2. Nancy Head says:

    going back through and reading your blogs… i’m with you on this one! Loving my home because of the love that has gone into it. btw.. just wondering.. do you go around the yard showing every one your plants, amazed how God brings them back each year bigger and better. love life.

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