Crazy Like a Fox

Posted: May 22, 2013 in Life & Living It

So, this happened today- 2 kindergartners on an elementary school playground were bitten by a fox. WHAAAT? Crazy, eh? Now, let me lay my foundation here by saying I am a parent, a rational, thinking person, so here was what went through my head when I heard of the story:

“WOW- that’s crazy! I hope the fox didn’t have rabies- they have no fear. GAAAH I hope the kids didn’t see it and try to pet it thinking it was like a dog or something and it bit them. Who knows, sheesh, the school is by the woods- you just never know what’s out there. Hope the kids are okay. Scary.”

Sounds kind of reasonable, eh?

Well…..the local news posted about it on Facebook. You want to see rabid & crazy, crazier than any wild fox could ever be? Click here and read the comments. Fox 5 Atlanta on Facebook- scroll down to get to the story.

See that? It’s the teachers fault. Of COURSE it is. If those darn teachers were just doing their jobs, there’d have been no way a fox (wild animal) could have attacked anyone (at a school semi-surrounded by woods).

The comment thread here is like a train wreck of idiotic proportion and I just can’t quit reading. I am really curious to know what lives these people lead or how their elementary education experience was. Here’s a little refresher for those that may be living in some parallel, bubble universe. I remember a typical class was 20-30 students with one teacher. Lone teacher would take said 20-30 kids to the playground where there would be another teacher or two with the same amount of children. So, lets say for this example, 3 teachers to 75 children. Scatter these about in an area about the size of 4 gymnasiums with random equipment. Where were the teachers then? Trying to watch 75 little bodies burning out their pent up energy so they could get through the afternoon. This happened every day, weather permitting. Some kids fell and broke their arms, tripped and skinned knees, fell and busted their mouths, got into fights, etc. These instances are typically referred to as childhood. Crazy eh?

Where were the teachers at today? See above.

But Lisa- what if it was your kid?  See above.

For anyone to blame the teachers, the school etc., in this situation, I have no problem in labeling you a fool that apparently does not live in the real world with the bulk of us. I mean really, you should probably blame the county for not properly controlling the wildlife population. Or better yet, it’s the states fault. The state should be controlling the animals. You know, the wildlife that has been in existence longer than any of us? Actually, if I think real hard on it, this situation today is technically the governments problem for mandating that children attend school from age 5-16. Why, if children were not forced out into the awfulness of the world, then bad things would not happen to them, they would not be at risk for any type of freak accidents, right? DAMN THE GOVERNMENT! So many people and situations here to blame, why just stop at the teachers?

Blaming the teachers for not stopping a wild animal attack is like blaming the teachers in Oklahoma for not holding up the walls when that tornado barreled through there the other day. Nobody can control the chaos known as nature. Truth.

 There are also comments about how the school grounds need to be better protected, gated, etc. So laughable. We can’t even get our children properly educated from all the budget cuts, but agreed- let’s build 10’ concrete walls around all schools to keep all the bad out. Better yet, eliminate recess. Don’t let them outside. I say we eliminate schools all together and just hope for the best. After reading these comments today, I’m not sure that people could get any more ignorant and uneducated. Let’s just put our best foot forward and eliminate it all and make sure this next generation is properly raised in ignorance of the world with a full sense of entitlement AND all 10 fingers ready to point the blame at any and everything they can.

I sincerely hope the children involved are okay.

I sincerely hope that the teachers there today know that most of us regular citizens and fellow teachers know that they did their jobs the best that they could.

I sincerely hope that many folks choose to get their heads out of their asses and use them to think with rather than to whip it around in the direction of someone/something who they believe has wronged or failed them. Open your eyes to the world. What a concept.

Save the crazy for the foxes, yo.

  1. Dishwasher 6 says:

    I was watching the news and heard one of the parents say how unfair it was that her child was going to have to have “all those shots”. Seriously??? Like you’d rather he not get them and maybe die from rabies??? then I heard the comments about it being the Teachers’ faults and decided it might be best to turn the thing off before I had a violent episode of verbal projecting vomiting at the poor TV. I mean it’s not the TVs fault that these idiots were on it spewing their ignorance, right?

    It’s getting crazier by the minute out there…..

  2. Nancy Head says:

    enjoyed this! 🙂

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