Eat Up, Buttercup!

Posted: July 1, 2013 in Friends, Glorious Food!, Health & Fitness
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Contrary to popular belief, I actually do like to cook and I am really good at it. I just don’t do it that I often. I do love to eat and try new foods- that is obvious by looking at me. I don’t maintain this several-girls-worth-girlish figure by pushing away from the table, ya know. So, here I am, sharing a wonderfully easy, delicious and surprisingly not-too-bad-for-you recipe.

That being said….oh my SIDE. I totally forgot how fantastic this recipe was until I went into the grocery store yesterday. Strawberries were on sale and I thought “GOOD GAWD THAT STRAWBERRY DESSERT STUFF!! WHY HAVE I NOT MADE IT IN FOREVER???” Probably because I am lazy and forgetful, but I digress. A coworker had brought this in years ago- I demanded the recipe from her Mama and was shocked over how rich and sinful it tasted and how not is was. I have no idea where it originated from, but thank you, Sweet Ashlee & Deneen, for sharing this with me. Gotta give somebody props for it. I will only take credit for the name- it didn’t have one, therefore, I shall name it to share it. Without further ado, I give you the recipe for….

Berry Sinless Delish (say that 5 times fast or after 3 beers)

Prep Time: 30 minutes, chill at least 30 minutes before serving.

(And FYI- this can all be store brand stuff if you like- save a buck!)

1 Angel Food cake
1 8oz. Fat Free Sour Cream
1 small container Fat Free or Lite Cool Whip, thawed
1 small box Fat Free & Sugar Free White Chocolate pudding
1 1/2 cups skim milk
1 container of strawberries
Container with a lid for fridge storage, deep enough for a few layers.

*Whisk milk and pudding powder together- add in sour cream and Cool Whip until all is blended together smooth. Let it sit.

*Clean and slice strawberries, set aside.

*Take the Angel Food cake and tear it into bite-sized pieces.

*In your container, make a layer of Angel Food cake, spoon on a layer of pudding mix, and add a layer of strawberries. Repeat as many times as you can/want- I usually have enough room to make 2 full layers of each.

*Refrigerate until ready to serve- *voila* this stuff is good enough to eat with a shovel. No joke. You’ll want to dump it in the floor and roll around in it.

I don’t have the serving size/fat/calorie count listed because I haven’t done that math. Plus, it’s hard to narrow down a serving when you want to eat the whole bowl in the closet so you don’t have to share. I would guess 8-10 servings, so if you really need to know- add all the calories/fat/sugar/whatever you want to know of all ingredients and then divide by 8-10. But seriously- this tastes like you need to do 100 Burpees to work it off, but you don’t.


I don’t use the sugar & fat free pudding because artificial sweeteners make my head explode and nose bleed. Truth. So buy whatever works for you/your guests.

I have made this with frozen mixed berries- just let them thaw and drain them well before using.

Feel free to share this because everybody needs to know how good this is. AND…it’s cheap & easy, just like me.

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